Knife Oil Painting - Sky


Your kit contains beautifully smooth, artist-quality materials to create your own oil painting. It includes four colors specifically selected to complete a beautiful sky landscape: Alizarin Red, Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow Pale, and Titanium White. There are two 9x12 canvas boards, a metal painting knife, a reference photo, and three sheets of disposable palette paper. You will have enough supplies to make TWO paintings plus plenty of extra paint for future projects. This kit is solvent free!

Your purchase also includes access to a full-length video demonstration by Maggie, where she guides you through using oil paints with various knife techniques. After building your composition from the reference photo, she will show you how to mix colors and successfully apply them to the canvas. You will finish with final flourishes to the sky. This kit is great for oil painting beginners, painters who want to explore knife painting, or those who do not wish to use solvents when oil painting.

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